Before embarking on the bookkeeping process, organizing documents is crucial for ensuring efficiency and accuracy. Here's how I approach document organization:

📂 Document Collection: Gather all financial documents, including invoices, receipts, bank statements, and expense reports, in one centralized location.

🔍 Check Documents Conformity: Review each document to ensure completeness, accuracy, and relevance to your financial records.

☁️ Cloud Accounting: Digitize and store documents securely in the cloud for easy access and backup purposes.

📑 General Ledger Following: Categorize documents according to relevant accounts in your general ledger, facilitating seamless record-keeping.

💼 Billing Solutions: Implement efficient billing solutions to streamline invoicing processes and ensure timely payment tracking.

By organizing documents meticulously before bookkeeping, I ensure a smooth and accurate accounting process, saving time and minimizing errors along the way.